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Staying Connected During COVID-19

Bizzy Bees

I’m not used to regular contact with friends and family. I lived a travelling lifestyle which meant that it could be months or years between seeing them. So, I was surprised to find that through the isolation of COVID, I made more regular contact with them than ever before. In an uncertain time, where loneliness is a real risk for a lot of people, we need to find ways to connect. I’d like to share a few of the quirky ways I’ve found and how they have been helpful.

1. Handwritten letters/parcels

Social media is great but it can get a bit overwhelming. Taking the time to go back to good old-fashioned letter writing means that you can write in length, about something you wouldn’t discuss over messaging, and even exchange doodles or tiny gifts! Writing how thankful you are for someone can be a great exercise in gratitude to make you feel lighter. It is a wonderful feeling to physically receive a letter which you can cherish. 2. Scheduled group chats

 Scheduled calls can give structure to your week. You find yourself taking closer note of the small things that have happened during the week to feed back to friends and family, creating a greater sense of awareness in your life, and a great feeling of connection when people share similar experiences!

3. Games nights/quizzes This may not be for everyone, but playing boardgames despite my favourite boardgames cafe being shut, brought a lot of laughter to isolation. I was able to play countless games with groups of long-distance friends through great feats of webcam ingenuity or using the website Board Game Arena.

4. Connected hobbies With a little bit of creativity, you could find ways to do some of your favourite group activities over webcam! This can be anything from creating music together, sending choreography for friends to try out, or even joining globally connected activities such as online yoga or meditation. Don’t be afraid to think of funny ways to adapt your favourite activities, or try something new. You could end up having a lot of fun even if they don’t go exactly to plan!

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